Yulia Sakharnova

Certified aromatherapist, bioenergy practitioner, tarot reader, and marketer.

Through the aforementioned tools of work, I help you enhance the quality of your life by comprehensively upgrading various spheres of it. With these tools, you see the causes of blockages, and together, we create an action plan that contributes to improving your physical and psychological well-being, helping you reach a new level.

Every person has their own path, mission, and purpose!

There is no mission more or less important than another! A person creating a vaccine or a person baking bread are equally important in this version of the Universe!

Each of us is born with our unique list of gifts and talents, by developing and implementing which, you fulfill your personal potential.

Why do we sometimes feel lost?

Most often, when entering society and social circles, we ourselves begin to format and grind ourselves to "fit in" with "social norms." Additionally, our ego sometimes starts to work against us, although ideally, it can become our good ally and coach. Why does this happen? It's kind of necessary steps that create our life experience and desire to understand who we really are. Each of us, in any case, finds our own path sooner or later - it's our soul contract.

And each of us encounters a method, mentor, when we openly declare it to the Universe.

My mission is to convey knowledge, translate information, provide support, and mentorship.

Through specific tools of work, I help you create a space of life where you feel comfortable, where you feel fulfilled, resourceful, and where you create from joy and pleasure!
I was born in the city of Samara, and my early childhood was spent in Bratsk, where my dad was involved in the construction of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station.
At the age of 6, my family moved to Moscow, where I lived until I was 21.
In 2009, I graduated from RANEPA with a degree in International Business.
In 2009, I moved to Paris and continued my education at ESLSCA University, specializing in MASTER in Marketing & Finance.
My professional field is brand creation and development. After graduating from university in Paris, I worked for many years in renowned fashion houses. Gradually, my area of activity led me into the world of cosmetology, where I was involved in the creation and development of well-known cosmetic brands.
Brand development and self-development, oddly enough, are closely related. Now, working with people, I am somewhat involved in creating new versions of my clients, thanks to the tools of work and, of course, the desire of the people who come to me for sessions.
I live in Greece, on the island of Corfu. I am a beloved and loving woman and the mother of a wonderful boy! I constantly improve my method, studying and integrating new tools that allow me to work in-person and remotely.
The word "channeling" came into the Russian language from English, where channeling means "transmitting (information) through a channel."
ThetaHealing is one of the effective techniques for working with limiting beliefs, negative emotions, fears, and other blocks.
Yoga, Physical Practices
Depending on the request, I develop an exercise program based on 10 basic asanas and elements of pilates, ranging from 3 minutes a day to an hour.
Aromacology is the science that studies the influence of aromas on the mind and mood.
Tarot is a tool that can show the cause of what is happening in the present through specific events in the past and offer options for improving this situation for your best development in the future.
Traditional Remedies
I share simple and safe recipes with you and provide links to the authors.
I work with any of your requests, here are some examples:
Love and Relationships
What prevents you from entering trusting relationships filled with respect and mutual love?
Why do you often feel fear or dependency on others?
Why do you keep "stepping on the same rakes" each time?
Purpose is not about career heights; it's about what makes you happy.
It's about the work that helps you create!
I can help you understand what your purpose is.
Family and Children
Your family is your helper and protector; how to accept its strength?
How to invite a new soul?
Work and Money
Financial flow and its adjustment - why can't you reach the maximum level?
What is hindering you?
What should be developed?
Health is a comprehensive system; it's about your body, internal organs, diet and sleep regimen, and your stress level.
Dependencies and Detox
Harmful habits - the whole truth about what is good for you and what harms various aspects of your life.
To schedule a session:
  • The session lasts 1-1.5 hours, depending on the request.
  • One request - one session.
  • You can formulate your request in advance, or we can do it together.
  • For the session, it's necessary to find a quiet, secluded space where you feel comfortable, cozy, and warm, and where no one will disturb you.
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